Operational manual for the listerCompass |
The listerCompass is an advanced compass designed to allow a field geologist to take advantage of the iPhone's capabilities. Get it with iTunes http://www.apple.com/itunes/ Version 4 of the listerCompass now works with the latest version of the iOS operating system (version 7). To ensure backward compatibility it will still work on an iPad and on an iPhone that runs version 5.1 of the operating system. If it does not then let me know. |
The listerCompass is fast, smart and designed for practical use by a structural geologist. If you want to measure a surface, put your iPhone anywhere on it. The best things about it [tested now by using it extensively under (dry) field conditions] 1) It can be used upside down under an overhang.2) A foliation and a lineation can be measured at the same time, simply by touching the screen.3) A simple double tap allows information to be recorded.4) Its flexible <XML> output allows data to be used by other programs such as iGeologist.-------------------------------- If you want to measure the surface, and a lineation on that surface, To measure both together place the iPhone on gthe surface, with its long edge parallel to the lineation. Strike-dip-rake: 1) strike is given as a single number such that the dip is to the right; 2) dip is the inclination of the surface plane of the compass, no matter what direction the compass is pointed; 3) rake is the (anticlockwise) angle of rotation that links the strike direction of the plane being measured, to a line on that plane. Rake is positive if the direction of rotation is anticlockwise from the strike. Yaw-pitch-roll: 1) yaw is the plunge direction, or trend, of the lineation; 2) pitch, or plunge, is the inclination of the line to the horizontal; 3) roll is the angle between the surface and a plane that includes the lineation, but strikes at right angles to it. |